DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES-  A Nurosurageon is a career where they do surgery. The people that have that career have to do surgery in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves they also remove tumors.
SALARY-  A salary that a nurosurgeon can get is $102,005-764,249 an average
EDUCATION- master’s degree, bachlor’s degree, associate degree . four year of medical school
DEMAND / NEED FOR THIS PROFESSION- i think that many people become a nurosurgeon because they want to help people that are willing to go on a surgery that can be dangrous. Many people are nurosurgeon becuase they love  what they do and they always what that profession.
REFLECTION- no i will not like to become one because it is a hard job and becuase you need to do a lot of surgery to help people. You will have to many stress becuase you will be thinking that you need to do a surgery everyday and all day.
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