Student success statement

Student success statement
“I won’t cheat”
This quote meas that we should be honest to our self. I think that this quote means that we should not cheat no matter what . an example of i wont cheat is in a test if you are the last one to finish you will not ask for help bnecause you do not like to cheat. If you cheat you will tern in a paper that has the same answer as the other person. If you turn it in you turn half of your work and half of the other person. In my opinion i think that people that cheat are not good person because they do not try there best to do what they need to do. This quote could be related to people that like to copy from people when they did no0t do what they had to. An example of i wont cheat is doing homework if you did not do your homework you should be honest to others. You could tell your teacher you did not do the hmoewrok and they will not be and unless you copy someone else.



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Student success statement

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