Student success statement

Create it
Student success statement
“The best way to predict your future is to creat it”
I think that this quote means that if you want something to be your future you should have it on mind. An example for this quote is that you could write it down in a goal journal so you could see if you ahve accomplish it or not. You will see and you will add more this. Another example is if you what that future you should plan how you are going to do it so it could become your future. I think that this relates to me  because in school we need to write in are goals journal. The journal helps use to see what we want for our future.  I think that we could plan or think how we want are futurwe to be like. I think that plning your future can help you because you do not have to think if you want that in your future you just need to have it in mind so you could success . i think that this cabn help you when youare older because you coul;d success ion life.


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Student success statement

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