Student success statement

Student success statement
“Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all”
This quote is from benjamin Franklin. I think that this quote is a good quote because bing rich can not help you get out of a problome i think that this could he a exelent quote for many people. I think that this quote can help other people see that having beauty,strength and riches can not help you do anything you want. I think that this can help other people understand that by have that you we not be have. You could be happy in one point but not forever. An example for this quote is people that can buy many thing are not so good because there money could finish in one day and can not be so rich anymore. I think that this example fits in this quote because bing rich can not help you be happy. If you are happy you could be more that that because you are showing it with your heart not with something else.


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Student success statement

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