Student success statement

Student success statement
“When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.”
This quote means that we could forgive people that have done bad things to use because it could show lessons to them. This quote is true because it can help people that have done the injury to not do it again. I think that this quote is related to me because i have try to forgive people that have injury me in many ways. It has help me forgive because i feel that they are someday have to do something nice for them. It could teach them a lesson of forgiveness. This is related to many people because people should forgive no matter what they have done because you could start all over and don't have to worry on what they have done to you. An example:
  • Forgive people that have robe you
  • Forgive people that have lie to you
  • Forgive people that have say bad things about you
This are example because there are many people can forgive.


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student success statment