Memorial day weekend

Memorial day weekend
What I did during my memorial day weekend was spending time with my mom because she did not work that day. I spend a while with my sister before she left to work and i gave food to my birds. This weekend I did not attend anywhere because my dad had to work and could not take use out this weekend. I did not meet any people because I stay home. Movies that I watched during my weekend was “baby daddy” and i saw videos on you tube about some vine and blogger that i have been following in social media. The sport that i saw on TV was soccer.  The homework that i did was English and math because they are important classes that i should be passing with ‘c’ or better. CTR experiences was helping my mom doing dinner and helping her clean the house so she did not have to do it alone. Other things that i did was playing with my baby cousin. Another thing is that i went to visit  my other baby cousin. I spend most of the time with my mom because i sometimes don't have time to spend time together. On Monday i went to drop off my sister at work. Saturday i had a doctors appoint that i need it to go so i could be checked.


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