Choose any topic of Your choice to research (Rome)

Choose any topic of
Your choice to research
Name the topic: Rome, Italy
Why did you choose this topic: the reason that I choose this topic is because it is a place that i would like to go when i grow up. I choose this because there is many places in Rome that you can go visit.  
Describe the topic in detail:  Rome, Italy is a places that has 4.3 residents. I think that Rome is the capital of Italy. Many people like to visit Rome because it is big and there is a lot of history. Rome is the largest city in Italy. It is located in Tiber and Annie river near Mediterranean sea. Some of the places that you can visit in Rome are
  • Colosseum- also known as the Fl avian Amphetamine, is an oval amphetamine in the center of the city of Rome, Italy
  • Pantheon-former Roman temple, now a church, in Rome, Italy, on the site of an earlier temple
  • Piazza del Popolo- a large urban square in Rome. The name in modern Italian literally means "People's Square"
I would like to go to rome because you can learn diffrent things about that place. You could go so you could relaxe because there is plces that you will like to go. You could go eat diffrent kind of italy food that you dont know.



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