In acting well
Student success statement
“Act well your part;there all honor lies.”
This quote means that the people that act diffrents sometimes they do not have the honor because they sometimes lie and can seem like that they are good people. I think that people that are acting well there parts they are good people because they do not have a to lie on what they are or how they are. They just do what they always do an example is is a boy is really honest you should honor him in a way that they do not like to to bother them and do not like to play around. This is a example becauses sometimes see people that are not doing nothing and they go do things to them. Sometimes many people will say lies about you because you are a calm person that does not do anythuing. They sometimes will see that if you do not do anything wrong they will blame you for somthing that you are not doing. This quote relates to me because im a person that acts my part good for example i do not like to get in trouble and not care what other people think about me. I do not care because i know that it is not true and they just like to hurt people and they go not care if the person gets in trouble or not.


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