student success statement

Student success statement
A CHOICE: poverty or prosperity
“I hate poverty. Proverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that. It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it”
I think that this quote means that you could not think if you are going to to the thing right you could just think that things are going to be right. For example if you do not understand a problem you will just try to to put in the answered that you choice. Another example is if you are a doctor and you think that you can not do it you need to have positive things in your head because if you ahev not try it before you will not know if you could do it right. You chould not think that you have to pick something so you could safe someones life you should just try to safe both people. If you have work hard you should make your self a goal with it tells you if you could do it or not. You should think that what you are going to do is something that can help other and there self. You could not think what others think about you on what you decided. If you decided something that people are not you sould belive on your self on what ways you help this people.


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Student success statement

student success statment