medical scientist

Medical scientist
Duties and responsibilities: A medical scientist is a person that studies diseases and human health. Their duties is to test medication to patients. Medical scientist need to analyze information so the medication could be correct.
Salary: medical scientist received about $82,240
Education: high school diploma, ph.D program ranging from 6-8 years, doctorate degree, medical degree, master degree
Demand or need for this profession: many people want to have this career because they want to test medication so the patients could be better. Other people want this career because they use math and science to help patients with their health.
Reflection: i think that i would like to become a medical scientist because you could go math and science. I would analyz the information so the data could be correct. I think that being a medical scientist is hard because you nned to do everything good so you willl not have things wrong. I think that testing the medication could be difficalt because it has a lot of process.
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