chris paul

Chris paul
Chris paul was the president of his senor year. His fan was his grandfather. Chris paul recived a scholorship where all his family was there to see him sign. In novenmber 15 this cousin told him that they found his grandfather murder. He did not behilved that his grandfather have died in a murder. He scored 61 points in the game that his grandfather would not be in the crowed anymore. He thought that he was not going to go out there becasue this grandfather died and he was the first fan he had. The same day of the game he was not ready to play for his team but he played and the try his best so his grandfather could be happy. Christ paul was sad that this grandfather was not with him anymore. What i learned from chris paul is that if one of your family mebmbers died we should not give up because we was that person to he happy and see that we could succes for them and not for others. I think that this could be a lesson for many people because people could learn that they could not give up and need to try there best.


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