rome, italy

Rome, italy
The reason that i selected this place is that it is a good place that you could relaxed. The city population is 2.7 million. One of the places is where people throw coins and that money is donated. Rome is known as the capital of the world. In rome you could see pictures and musiam from back then. You could visit many diffrent places where you have never been. You could visit and old house where they show you how to make pasta. You could try food that you have not try. Rome has small state in the city. Romes pets wear tags so they will not get lost. You could learn the histoy of rome and other places. Many people like to visit this plce so they could know more things. Rome family eat beans the first day of may. Rome has two airports where people could get there plains. Rome has more that 900 churches but not all of them are catholic.
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