student success statement- Arnold H. Glasgow

Studenet success statement
“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalpost are”
I think that this quote is trying to say that you need somethig that can help you reach that thing that you want top success someday. For example so you could graduate from hight school you need that goal becasue you want to have a high school diploma. What you need to do is work hard everyday in school so you could reach to your goal. In life we need to try are best to get what we want so we could be successful in life. You need to set goals for you so you could accomplish them. Another example is for a football palyer they want to win the game so they need to practice everyday so they could be ready to win and everyday that they practice they will be improving. You could go far unless you try to success. I think that this quote relates to me becasue im making goals so someday i could accomplish them. Im trying my best so i could finish them and be happy for my seld because i could success with some of my goals that i accomplish.
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