student sucsess "right"

“If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow.”
    This quote means that if someone is making bully to a person and you are walking with your friend and your friend do not want to help the person you schould because so they will not countinue hurting that person. If you are doing the right the people that saw what you where they will think that you are a good person and that you care for others. You should always take the first step on making something right and not letting other people get hurt. The more you help people the more you will be followed by the poeple taht will need you help and  the people that like what you did. You will always have the light on you because the poeple care and becuase you took the first step on doing something right.  You should aways to something right no matter how are you doing and with how it matters if you are going the right thing to help people. If your friends tell you do do something that is bad you should not do it because you are not doing the right thing and you should stay away from it.


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