student success statment

Student success statment
“ right is right, even if evryone is against it;
And wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”
This quote has many ways to understand it for example if you thing is
right many people will be against it because they do not it to be right. A example for wrong is that many people like to choice something that is not right and they do not think if they are doign the good chocie about it. I think that this quote means that peopel dont think what they choice. Many people will be against it because any d not think it is a good choice to pick it. For example many peoplewill go to the park but one will say not becuase they need to study. An example for wrong is that they go to the park and they do to study so they have bad grades for not having a good score in thier test. This quote means that you should choice the best of you not for others. Do to hear what people say about you becuase you are doing the good thing. Always think what is best for you and to the right thing. An examle is that is your test is wrong you need to agree that it is still wrong becuase you can not change it.


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Student success statement

student success statment