
school homecomming

Homecoming is a place that is like your home. To celebrate people that are going to college. People celebarte the first homecoming in 1910. The first homecoming was to celebrate the football palyers that time. In 1920s homecoming was taken all around the united state as a traditional. We celebrate homecoming because people that graduated from high school they go back to high school to see there old friedes. Things taht they do in homecoming is dance, find kin and queen and more. It is called homecoming game because one day before homecoming there is a football game for there high school. Homecoing is very imorotant for high school events, in homecoming there is special ruls for etiquette student should follow.
In my opinion i think that homecoming is a good idea because high school students that are going to go to college school take a good memery that peopel form high school are always going to remember them.


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