Student success statement
Quote: “goal setting is goal getting. Set and get”
This quote means that if you are setting a goal you could get more goals by just thinking in only one goal. You get more ideas that  could help you get your goals. The more goals you write the more ideas of goals you have.  If you are setting a goal you get a goal because you are putting you ideas together.  You should not be afriad of making big goals becuase the biger the goal you have the better ideas you have. For example if you want to lose wight you could write im going to lose wight by december. You should write big goals becuase you could accomplish those goals some day. This is important because when you grow up you could finish your goals. This is important to me because the more goals you have the more you could accomplish and you should not give up on your goals that you have wrote in your paper.  The more goals you have the better.


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Student success statement

student success statment