Student success statement
“ dont sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often”
This quote means that if you want to make a good goal you should write it down in a paper that you will remember that you wrote that goal. You should always see your goal so you could achive it and to see if you what to you will want. If you are sacrifice what you want most now you will wnat more for example if you want to be a soccer player you will need to parctice everyday so you will get good at it. You will have practice and you will to saty more time so you could see what you are missing and so you could get better at it. If you do not try your best on what you what you will not acomplish it. Another example is gold medal winner if you want to winn the gold medial you will try your best. You will pracitce, parctice untill you get it. You will stay longer so when try to show everyone you will not miss. If you want to accomplish a goal and you do not know how you should write it down. You should see your goal when you accomplish it and be happy because you did what you need to do to accomplish you goal.


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Student success statement

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