student success

Student success statement
“ character is higher that intellect”
I think that this quote means that people that are in a team should do there best because they are graded on how they play. They look at the character that they have because if you have a good character you will have a good intellect. I think that this is related to all sport people because they are know like how they play not who they are. There trainer shows they how to be people that give everything when they play. I think that this quote can help many players that are in a team because they will success if they are doing goo on there games. I think that there could be many example. A example is in school you participate in many ways and teachers will see that you like in be involved your things that makes you happy or what you like. I think that this quote is important because it can help you see what you need more help and you will progress on what you need help.


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Student success statement

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