student success statement a promise

Student success statement
A promise
“A promise must never be broken”
This quote means that you should not broke a promise no matter what because people will not trust you anymore and they will not believe you. I think that this can be related to people because people always say something but does not keep the promise. I think this is related to me because I say something and I keep my promise because people will think : this girls does know how to keep a promise not like others”. An example of this quote is “ I promise that ill go to your party after work” this is a promise because you use the work promise and you told that person that you will go. If you say thins and then call you will not be able to make it that will not count as a broken promise because you let the person know what is happening. Another example is “ill pick you up @ 10” this quote is still a promise because you are telling the person what time you are going to pick her up and who is. A broken promise is a person that says that is going up never goes. An example of broken promise is “I have a to go to my friends party, but I fell like not going am not going to call her because you will know that I have work”.


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