Duties and responsibilities:  a optometrist is someone that does a vision test and analyze the results. That person see’s if they have any problem in ther eye such as eye diseass. They recommend to people if they have a eye problem they should go to tharapy.
Salary:  in 2015 there avrage is about $103,900
Education: needs a doctor of an optometrist degree, license, registrations, 3 year program
Demand or need for this professtion: many people have this career because they get paid really well and they could help people. People need for this profession because they can help people get better and can give them test so they could be aware of the problem.
Reflection:   yes i would like to become a optomestrist because i can help people and i could get paid well. I want this career because it is a short one and learn more about you eys.


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