student success statment

“ My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they're popular; you make them because they’re right”.
I think that this quote means that we should think don’t make are decision because they are easy, cheap, and popular we make them because we think that they are right and they are good for us. I think that quote can relate to people that thinks that doing drugs is good for them. They should see that doing it does not make are life's easy, cheap, and popular. I think that this is a good quote because people just think that are decisions are made because they are easy. Many people don’t understand that there can be consequence for the wrong decisions that we make when we are young and adults. Maybe are decision can not affect use right now but it can affect us when we are older. I think that people should have this kind of quote on mind because many people in this day think that manking easy decision are good for them. Sometimes making this decision are right and good you and other people.


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Student success statement

student success statment