
Showing posts from February, 2017

student success statement

Student success statement “Right is right only when entire.” This quote means that you are not saying the truth and you are saying a small lie. This quote relates to me because sometime i dont say the truth and i end yp saying a lie. An example is that is you come out from school and you go out with your friend and end up going somewhere that you did not tell your parents and they ask you where did you go you do not tell them everthing. I think that many teens relat to this quote because they do not like to say everything tho there parents and they like to lie to them. This quote is when you do not say any lies and always say the truth. This quote coild inspier many people because they can do the right thing and not the wrong thing. Many people that say lie they donot feel good because you do not have the trust of the peopel that care about you.

The naturopathic doctor

The naturopathic doctor Duties and resonsibilities: a naturopathic doctor is a a doctor that takes care of you health. The doctor will diagnosis and will give treatment for it. What they will do is interview with the patient and ask for a health history. They will diagnosis with the systoms the patient has.   Salary: a Naturopathic gets around $25.75 per hour and $53,510 per year Education: 4 year licensed of Naturopathic doctor, bachlor’s degree, Demand or need for this profession: many people pick this job or career because they could know new people adn they can help them get better. They could help them with there health and other health problom. Reflection:   yes i will like to become this because i coukld help people with there health.  

Military medical career pathways

Military medical career pathways Duties and responsibilities: the dutie of a navey medical is that they need to help the navy people with there treatment. You need to help provide the dieseas and the injure that they have. They take X-rays so they could see what is wrong. Salary: an vavy emergency medicine get about $31,360-$47,040 per year and $14-$21 per hour Education: bachlor’s degree, medical school, license, fellowship program Demand for this particlar career: many people pick this career because they could save people that are saving our country. Reflection: i would like to be one because i could help people so they could be well when they go home. I could save many lifes for example i could give them treatment when they get injure.  

Student success statement

Student success statement Good quality people “Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for’ tis better to be alone than ib bad company.” I think that this quote means that we should know who are the people that are around you. You should think if bad people are good to handout with you because sometims they lead you to bad things. And example is to remember that having people that do drugs can lead you on doing drugs. I this quote does not mean that you dont need to be there friend. You just think that duing drug is wrong. I think that this quote related to me becasue i do not like to handout with people that are bad and not respectfull to people. It is good having people that are honest, respectfull, and carring becasue they could help you with your problems. People that are bad to not help you and they just leave you by yourslef when they dont want to be your friends. I think that this could help peopel think what are people around them. ...

Mental health counselor

Mental health counselor Duties and responsibilities: the duties or responsibilites of a mental health counselor is that they try to give advise on there persenal lifes to other people. One of there problems is unhappy relationships. They try to give people ideas to solve there problems with people. Salary: Mental health counselor’s salary is around $29,919-$53,307 per year and $20.13 per hour Education: mental health counselor education required is a two year master’s degree, mental health licensed, master’s in other related to mental health field Demand or need this profession:   people choice this as a career becasue ther thing that they could help other people. They could listen to people, take notes and give positive advise that are helpfull for them Reflection: i think that will like to become a mental health counselor because i could help people. I could give advise on if they are doing the right or the worng thing.  

presidents day

Presidents day                      What is presidents day? Presidents day is celebrated on the third monday of february. Presidents day began in 1800. What is it? Monday february 20 What are several ways to show honor and respect on presidents day? We are honoing lincoln and washingtion. How can you show honor and respect on presidents day? I think that we could show respect to the presidents by remembering the thigs that they had made in our place.    

valentine's day

Valentine’s day Valentine’s day is celebrate in february 14. This day is celebrated all around the world. In the 18th- century England valentine is where people will wait for each other to show there love. They will send card and flowers.There is no evidence of any link between St. Valentine's Day and the rites of the ancient Roman festival, despite many claims by many authors.The celebration of Saint Valentine did not have any romantic connotations until Chaucer 's poetry about "Valentines" in the 14th century. The earliest description of February 14 as an annual celebration of love appears in the Charter of the Court of Love.In some Latin American countries Saint Valentine's Day is known as "el día de los enamorados" (day of lovers). In the united states there are more than 190 million of cards send to each other.  the average valentine’s spending has increased every year, from $108 a person in 2010 to $131 in 2013. In other places people celebra...

student success statement- Arnold H. Glasgow

Studenet success statement “In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalpost are” I think that this quote is trying to say that you need somethig that can help you reach that thing that you want top success someday. For example so you could graduate from hight school you need that goal becasue you want to have a high school diploma. What you need to do is work hard everyday in school so you could reach to your goal. In life we need to try are best to get what we want so we could be successful in life. You need to set goals for you so you could accomplish them. Another example is for a football palyer they want to win the game so they need to practice everyday so they could be ready to win and everyday that they practice they will be improving. You could go far unless you try to success. I think that this quote relates to me becasue im making goals so someday i could accomplish them. Im trying my best so i could finish them and be happy for my seld becau...

business and finance

Business and finance Duties and responsibilities: What a business person does is brongs people or have people buy things from the company. A finance is a person that is kepping all the accounts and see how the company is doing every mouth or every year. They both need to use math so they could both see how they are in proving and if they have more people in there company. Salary: A business and finance could get around $117,990 Education: high school diploma, bachelor’s degree, master degree Demand for this particular career : many people want this career because you could make a lot of money. You could use they subject that you really likeand know new people.   Reflection: i would like to become a business and a finance because you could help make the company better.

chris paul

Chris paul Chris paul was the president of his senor year. His fan was his grandfather. Chris paul recived a scholorship where all his family was there to see him sign. In novenmber 15 this cousin told him that they found his grandfather murder. He did not behilved that his grandfather have died in a murder. He scored 61 points in the game that his grandfather would not be in the crowed anymore. He thought that he was not going to go out there becasue this grandfather died and he was the first fan he had. The same day of the game he was not ready to play for his team but he played and the try his best so his grandfather could be happy. Christ paul was sad that this grandfather was not with him anymore. What i learned from chris paul is that if one of your family mebmbers died we should not give up because we was that person to he happy and see that we could succes for them and not for others. I think that this could be a lesson for many people because people could learn that they co...
Student success statement “Only those live who do good” An example of this quote is a football player that gives the victury to there family. I think that this quoye is meaning that people that are doing the right thing is going to do good becasue they are doing the right. In my opinion i think that this quote means that if a person that is being is honest is going to success becasue they think that he is equal to everyone around him or her. I think that this could also mean that people that are doing good should have the attention becasue they are doing good. I think that this relats to me becasue im doing the right thing so someday i could success with hellp of others. I think that you could be the opisit becasue you could be a person that does not want help form others. They just want help from thereslef. They think that they could do everything with out help and having a family that could help them with there problems.

medical scientist

Medical scientist Duties and responsibilities: A medical scientist is a person that studies diseases and human health. Their duties is to test medication to patients. Medical scientist need to analyze information so the medication could be correct. Salary: medical scientist received about $82,240 Education: high school diploma, ph.D program ranging from 6-8 years, doctorate degree, medical degree, master degree Demand or need for this profession: many people want to have this career because they want to test medication so the patients could be better. Other people want this career because they use math and science to help patients with their health. Reflection: i think that i would like to become a medical scientist because you could go math and science. I would analyz the information so the data could be correct. I think that being a medical scientist is hard because you nned to do everything good so you willl not have things wrong. I think that testing the medication cou...

student success statement

Student success statement A CHOICE: poverty or prosperity “I hate poverty. Proverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that. It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it” I think that this quote means that you could not think if you are going to to the thing right you could just think that things are going to be right. For example if you do not understand a problem you will just try to to put in the answered that you choice. Another example is if you are a doctor and you think that you can not do it you need to have positive things in your head because if you ahev not try it before you will not know if you could do it right. You chould not think that you have to pick something so you could safe someones life you should just try to safe both people. If you have work hard you should make your self a goal with it tells you if you could do it or not. You should think that what you are going to do is something that can help other...
Topic: photogarphy Why did you choose this topic? I choose this topic because this is one of the things i like to do. You could use any diffrent kind of camara that can help you get the picture that you like. You could learn how to be a photogarpher by just taking simple pictures. Describe the topic in detail? This topic has many things that you could learn for example you could see how people could be so we could take them the picture. The photogarphy has history that you have not learn about. You could describe photogarphy in many ways for example: happy you could take picture that happy. Desipline could show good maners that you have. Creative is that you will find a way that everything could be in a picture. I think that you could have many ways to show people what is a photogarphy. You could show them by taking picture that you take you could edit them so you could have more color or less color. You could have research many ways to use a new camara. One of the things tha...

wrong is never right

Wrong is never right Student success statement “Even if everyone is doing it,wrong is never right” This quote means thats we should not let are minds want to do it. We chould think how we could recact or how that can affect us. We could not hangout with people that like to do it. For example if your group of friend are doing drug you should not becasue you do not how you are going to react when you try it. Drug is wrong becasue it is not good for your health we sould not think that it is right becasue it could cause accedents to someone that could be around you. We should do the right thing so people can not get in trouble or so others can’t get hurt. I think that this qout should be in schools so people would not try it becasue it is not the right thing but it is the wrong thing people and teen do. You should do what is right for you not for people that is around you. You could do everything with out other doing it. Fro example you could go to the movies and you friend can;t go...

rome, italy

Rome, italy The reason that i selected this place is that it is a good place that you could relaxed. The city population is 2.7 million. One of the places is where people throw coins and that money is donated. Rome is known as the capital of the world. In rome you could see pictures and musiam from back then. You could visit many diffrent places where you have never been. You could visit and old house where they show you how to make pasta. You could try food that you have not try. Rome has small state in the city. Romes pets wear tags so they will not get lost. You could learn the histoy of rome and other places. Many people like to visit this plce so they could know more things. Rome family eat beans the first day of may. Rome has two airports where people could get there plains. Rome has more that 900 churches but not all of them are catholic.