student success statment

Intelligence + character

Student success statment

“Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence +character, that is the goal of true education”

    I think that this quote means that you will want to have intelligence and character so you could success in life and you will have a good job. For example if you only have intelligence you will not have a good job because all the jobs need to have a character where you could be respectfule to people that work withyou. You will want to be a person that have good character and intelligence. For example in should you will need to have both of them so you could show people how you work and what you have in yourself.. You will need to ahve characters so you could have good maners and represent your family. You should a goal that goes with character and intelligence. You could  have a little bit of everything so you will be happy. You will not be happy if you do not have the two things .
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