make your passion your profession

“ make your passion your profession”

What is your passion and why it it a passion for yours?
My passion that i want to turn in to my profession is to become a teacher because i want to help children have an education so they could have a good job by having a good education.
How can you make this passion become your profession?
I think that this could be my profession by trying hard in school and never give up. This could be my profession by going through a good path where someday i could have the profession that i want.
What education is required?
Hight school diploma, Licensed, bachelor’s degree, teacher certification
What skills,talent, and attitudes are required?
The skills that you need to become this profession is pations because many children are so loud. The skills is all subject so when you want to teach them a lesson you should exlain it correctly so they could understand it.
Reflection: what im willing to do in order to make this my profession is come to school everyday, have good grades, not going out in weekends and study every day so i could have a good grade.
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