medical asseistant

Medical asseistant
Duties and responsibilities: the medical assesistant duties is to record the patians personal information. Help by making a examination. Give injection or medication that doctor directed. Give the patians the need appointment so they could see the doctor.
Salary: a medical assistent could get about $22,087-$38,873
Education: certificate or diploma, 2 years of community college, high school diploma
Demand or need for this profession: many people like to work as a medical asseistant because they could help the doctors with things they need help in. other people pick this job becasue they get piad a lot,
medical 1.jpg  medical 2.jpg
Reflection: i think that i will like to have this carear becasue you could help the doctors and you could help other people get better. I will like ths because you get a good salary. You could learn new things about medical if you did not know about.


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