student success statement { LIE }

Student success statement
This quote means that you should alway say the ture no mother what. If you are saying a lie you will not stop and people will find out that you where saying lies and will not what to be your friends. You will not be tursted again if you are saying lies.your friends and family will not belive you on what you say, small lies become big lies this means that the more lies you say the more you will lie and not stop. An example for this quote is that if your friend is not at school and there parents come and ask you if you have seen him you will say no but you really saw him but he told you to not say nothing. Your friends parents will not trues you because you did not say the true when they ask you. I think that kids should not lie to there parents. They should not do that becuase they just what you to truse them on what you are doing. I think that is a good quote for eveyone because many people lie to there family and firend so they will not have to ansewer to many questions.
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Student success statement

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