Student success statement
“Always do right”
This quote means that you should do everythings right for example if you found money and you saw that it fell you need to to the right on give it to the person that you saw that it fell. You should always do right this means that you do evry thing right with out people telling you what you need to do. You will do the good thing if onther people think that it is not the right thing. Evrything that you do will be right for example in your test you will do the right work. You will do the right homework and do the right math. You will try to do all the things right. I think that doing the right is good becasue you could show people that you like doing the right by helping people that you care. One thing that is right is that if your friend tells you to not go to school you should not lesion to them pecasue you should always do the right.


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Student success statement

student success statment