challenges teens face today

Challenges teens face today
  1. What are several of the major challenges teens deal with today?
It think that the several chanllenges that teens dael with today is when they are perdnacy. It hink that they deal with this because some of the teens today have babys in a small age.
  1. What are one or two major challeges you are dealing with today? What are you doing about them?
One of the mayor challeges is stess becuase in school teacher leaves you a lot of homework and sometimes you do not understand it andyou think a lot on what you need do and finish.
  1. How does being a CTR person help you to overcome any challeges you may face?
Being a CTR person helps you to overcome any challeges you are facing becuase it hepls you think that if tyou want to be a good student you need to think on how you are going to reach what you wnat.
  1. How can you help other teens to overcome their challenges?
I can help teens to overcome there challenges by hepling them think that they should try there best. They should not give up so they could succes as when they overcome there challenges.
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Reflection: they greatest need that teens have is there parents to help them see what was there wrong thing they did. It think that teens parents should not get mad at there childen because sometimes that why they do what they do so they could not feel bad any more.


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