thanksgiving and thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving is a traditonally day where your family and friends come to eat a thankful meal that you made. You make turcky for that day and you are thankful for all the thinks you have. Thanksgiving goes not land in a spicifice day of november. In many places people celebrate thanksgiving in many ways for example: parades, dinner, and partys where you have fun with your family and friends.
  1. Im thankful for my parents
  2. Im thankful for my two new born cousion
  3. Im thankfl for my both grandmas
  4. Im thankful for a good education
  5. Im thankful for family
  6. Im thankful for my friends
  7. Im thankful for my home
  8. Im thankful for people around me
  9. Im thankful for  for my sister
  10. Im thankful for brothers
  11. Im thankful for happyness
  12. Im thankful for  everythings that i have
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