Student success statement
To be good

“The best recreation is to do good

This quote means that to make something good and right. For example is that if you had a long day you will like to do something that to relax you so you could feel good after you long day. Another example is that when you have a test and you want to make is the best score you had you will study the most so you could pass the test. I think that this quote is good becuase people will think about this quote if they are trying to do there best. This quote means a lot becuase it has many ways to difined it. Many poeple think that this is a good quote becuase they manybe have it has a goal. This quote could be as a goal for example if they want the work done they will try there best. I think that william penn wrote this quote so people could have a idea of what is recreation. The best recreation is to do good this mean that you want to do something that you feel that it is good. You should do the right thigs so you could feel good.


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