student success

Student success stemant
Doing what is right,fair and honorable

“Doing what is right,fair and honorable is, more imporatant than winning or losing
This quote means that if you are doing the right thing you will not care if you win or lose because you think that you did the right thing and that you tryed. You will always be thinking that you try your best and you will not care who won or lost. For example if you are playing a game you will think that if you try your best you will win. If you cheat you will not have the luck of winning and you will lose. When you are playing you will like to be fair wiith people around you so they will not think that you are cheating everytime you play. You should think that the more right thing you do the more chans to win. If you lose you should not be sad becuase you try your best and next time you will maybe win.



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