
Showing posts from January, 2017
Student success statemnet Never Because You can’t be right By doing wrong; You can’t be wrong By doing right.” I think that this quote means that we should understand and think if we are soing the right thing or wrong thing. We should have in mind what are the wrong things are the right thing that we could do and what we can not do so other people will not get affected. An example is in a test if the teavher tells you to be quite by you don;t feel like it you an not be right if youi are chetting because you are standing and not siting dowm. Another example is if you ahve the right answer the teacher can noy mark it wrong becasue you did the problem right and thast hoe you do the problem.
Enthusiasm Student success statement “Enthusiasm makes the difference” T his means that enthusiasm means to be happy. I think that this quote meas that people should do this with a smile so you could feel good. I think that if  people are enthusiasm the world will change because there will be more people exided and less poeple sad. An example for this quote is tigger likes to de enthusiasm becasue he was born to he a happy person and make pthers smile. This quote relates to me because sometimes i feel my family sad and i always find a way to make them smile. I think that Dr. Norman Vincent  Peale thought about this quote becasue someday many people will be enthusiasm and they will be happy. Enthusuasm will have a dirrerence is are life because there will be more happy people.
Student success statment “I wasn’t trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right” I think that this quote is really good because it has show people many thigs that they can’t gor get. This quote means that many people think that were saying that he should not leave but he was going for his good because he has seen the players play for many years.  I think taht many people have many respects for him because he never thought that a he need it to win to be successful in his life. I think taht many peopel should think about this quote because he tough his players a good meaning on winning. This menas that he does not want to leave his success so many poeple could know him. He is leaving because he maybe can not be a coach anymore or becasue he wants to rest for a moment.  Dean smith will always be remember because he had good games and he always win each game. He never give up on which he was losing or winning.  He does not want other people to be like him...

medical illustrator

Medical illustrator Duties and responsibilities: what a medical illustrator duties is to see at picture that are in 3D so they could see what problome does the paritin has. They take pictures and films to see if that patient have any injurs that the doctor could help. They also make posters so people could be inform about there health. Salary: the medical illustrator could have many diffrent kinds of work in the hospital because they are train to help the doctors and they could see what does the body have that can affect the patient. An avrage of mony that they can get is about $34,768- $69,733 Education: an education that the medical illustrator need to have are: Bachlor’s degress pre medical Bachlor’s degree Master degree High school diploma Damand or need for this proffession: many people pick this career because they could take pictures on people were they could see if they have any injurs that could get help. Many people like it because you could inform p...


plagiarism always wrong because it is theft and fraud C false TRUE false TRUE when I refer to own paper that I have previously written A summarize the text in your own words and cite it both citation is used to disturb money for royalties unethical collaboration and plagiarism all of the above president 20 things we should say more often thank you excuse me here is a surprise corndog I bough you because your my friend   I'm sorry I forgive you you can do it I've got barbecue squce on my shit to please everything is going to be okay aw! you got me a corn dog to? you shouldn't have buddy I don't know your so awesome I legally change my name to yours hello, person I've never met before! here's high-five My sport team isn't always the best spots team NOTHING I agree with you but I till like you as a person who is a human being and i will treat you like that because if I d...
Student success statement “It’s not aboust how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (good results, destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dream will come to you”     This quote means that you will have good luck if you are thinking in a positive way. You will achive your dreams by always being a positive person. For example you will want to have everything so you will try to get everything. If you are not a person that trys you will not get everything becasue you are not trying to get it with your hard work. Many people think that karma is bad this but if you think not it is a good karma you will have a better life than the peopel that think wrong. If you are a bad person that like to get in trouble and then you think that you are  going something wrong that you did not need to do you will come to right. When you come to right and is sees that you are trying the oposent of ...

make your passion your profession

“ make your passion your profession” What is your passion and why it it a passion for yours? My passion that i want to turn in to my profession is to become a teacher because i want to help children have an education so they could have a good job by having a good education. How can you make this passion become your profession? I think that this could be my profession by trying hard in school and never give up. This could be my profession by going through a good path where someday i could have the profession that i want. What education is required? Hight school diploma, Licensed, bachelor’s degree, teacher certification What skills,talent, and attitudes are required? The skills that you need to become this profession is pations because many children are so loud. The skills is all subject so when you want to teach them a lesson you should exlain it correctly so they could understand it. Reflection: what im willing to do in order to make this my profession is come to s...

educating the body, mind, and charater

Educating the body, mind, and character “Of all the work is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating the BODY, the MIND, and above all the CHARACTER, giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation,” I think that this quote means that you should we should be proud of our selves because we have help our community by giving everything that are mind have. For example we have the education no matter how many people did not want to study any more people told them they should go and have the education. Many did not  go to school because the body felt it and thats why are mind contral are bodys. The educating help use with are body, mind, and character because we try are best. Educating the body helps by moving around and not bing lazy. The mind educating is that we could have the information that we need to success in life. The charater is so we could have maners that could show p...

medical asseistant

Medical asseistant Duties and responsibilities: the medical assesistant duties is to record the patians personal information. Help by making a examination. Give injection or medication that doctor directed. Give the patians the need appointment so they could see the doctor. Salary: a medical assistent could get about $22,087-$38,873 Education: certificate or diploma, 2 years of community college, high school diploma Demand or need for this profession: many people like to work as a medical asseistant because they could help the doctors with things they need help in. other people pick this job becasue they get piad a lot,   Reflection: i think that i will like to have this carear becasue you could help the doctors and you could help other people get better. I will like ths because you get a good salary. You could learn new things about medical if you did not know about.

body, mind,spirit student success statment

BODY + MIND + SPIRIT STUDENT SUCCESS STATMENT “Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind,and spirit,for your own physical, mental,and  spiritual well-being” I think that this quote is important becuase uou should take care of your body,mind,and spirit for example you should take care of your body like not putting not tattos on  your body becasuse it can affect you. Take care of your mind for example you should not do drugs because you cpuld affect your brian. Take care of your spirit like be happy. This quote means that you should take care of your onw body, mind, and spirit because you could affect it someday. Your mind could be affect it for example you could have a mental health. Your body is that you need to eat health food and do exercis so you will not have any health problems. Spirit you should have a emotional feeling.

student success statment

Intelligence + character Student success statment “Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence +character, that is the goal of true education”     I think that this quote means that you will want to have intelligence and character so you could success in life and you will have a good job. For example if you only have intelligence you will not have a good job because all the jobs need to have a character where you could be respectfule to people that work withyou. You will want to be a person that have good character and intelligence. For example in should you will need to have both of them so you could show people how you work and what you have in yourself.. You will need to ahve characters so you could have good maners and represent your family. You should a goal that goes with character and intelligence. You could  have a little bit of everything so you will be happy. You will not be happy if you do not have the two things .  


Kinesiologist Duties and responsibilities: the kinesiologist studys the humans body. They study the bodys movment and they study the client Salary: in kinesiologist people get paid around $20,426 -$78,297 Education: the education that they are requirment is a master degree, phicical tharapy degree, and high school diploma Demad or need for this profession: many people pick this job because they could see and learn new thing that can help them. They like to study the humans body and learn more about there bodys. People also pick this job so they could help other peopel get better and not have any trouble in there body. Reflection: i will maybe become a kinesiologist because i could help people get better and feel good.