DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: the responsibilities for teaching is there knowledge. They need to be a good roll model for there students. They neede to teach them what the subject is about they are teaching them about what they will learn.
SALARY: the salary that they give the teachers in los angeles is $49,222
EDUCATION: high school diploma, college dagree, teacher certification
DEMAND FOR THIS PARTICULAR CAREER: people choise this career because people want to see kids to learn new things and to become some one when they are big. People want to be a teacher so they could teach the kids new thing and so people could have a career they want to have. People want to help kids and there family to read and learn. teaching 1.jpgteaching 2.jpg
REFLECTION: yes!!!! I will like to become a teacher because you could help kids how to read and write. You could teach them diffrent thing that they dont know. You get paid really well for just helping the kids and teaching them.


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