Class evaluation

Class evaluation
Things that i like about this class was that we could play games when he have free time. My other things that i like about this class was that we could learn that other people do the right things with out people telling them to do it.  We learned many things that i have never known before. We learned about quotes that many people have said. We could express are feeling when we are writing are reflection.
Some of the things that I did don't like about this class is writing a lot in the class because sometimes we need to write more sentences. I did not like that about this class that we had to care are goals journal everyday so we can write in down. Another thing was that we need to write in are page everyday that if we did write in are goal journal. Another things that i did not like about this class was that we did not have many time for free so we could play or do other things in the computer.
I recommend that in this class you could add more things. For example: discussion , free time, and other. I recommend that you could have many things so other students will not feel boring. I think that this class need more things for example teach them how to use a computer, how to do activity so it can not be boring.
A highlight for me in this class was that i could learn this like what is a person that is doing the right. I think that this class has help me because i learning how to type and writing in my goal journal the thins that i what to archive.
Yes i did really good i have always done and finish my assignments on time. I always follow directions so i could achieve my goals. I feel that i did well because i did my assignments good and on time so i could get the credit that the assignments count for.
Yes i have reading my planning goal journal because i want to archive what i have in my journal. I think that i could archive them my doing my best in everything. My goal journal can help me with my self by making me a good person and a person that can do anythings that could want.
I feel that i i'm getting to be a CTR person because i do what i have to do. I try to not do things that other people are doing so i could be a CTR person. A CTR person is a person that is doing the right and example of me of being a CTR is doing my homework and truing it in on time. Another example is help other people that need help.


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