student success statement

Student success statement

Don’t do it Don’t say it
“If it is not right,do not do it; if it is not true do not say it”
An example for this wuote is that if your friend told you something that is not true you should not tell other people because it is not the right thins to do. You schould always think what the person that is affected going to say because you can get in a bad problem. You should not say what other people are saying form other people. Do the right thing by not telling other people what you hear and what you know. The person maybe told you because he tust you and you will not tell nobody. Never say something that someday you will feel bad and people will not trust you. Think twice what you are going to say and put your self in the place of the person that people are saying things about her. If you do not know that its ture of what peopel are saying do not say it. If you think it is not the right thing you are doing to not do it. Talk to teacher if you think that if it is right to say it or not.


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